IF magazine is an authoritative, independent publication for screen content professionals in Australia and New Zealand. Widely read and respected since inception in 1997, IF’s content is driven by original research and unique articles, not just press releases or aggregated content. Furthermore, content covers Australian film and television, distribution, exhibition, digital media, marketing, finance, and also includes the most comprehensive report on domestic screen production.
The website also publishes a free e-newsletter, sent three times a week, aimed at keeping industry personnel up-to-date with the latest developments to their industry – subscribe.
Extending upon IF magazine’s website is the bi-monthly print magazine. Every issue covers Australian film and television, distribution, exhibition, digital media, marketing, finance, and also includes the most comprehensive report on domestic screen production. IF prides itself on providing in-depth analysis with a fresh but considered appraisal of industry developments. Each issue also includes the IF FX section, which is dedicated to the entire range of special effects and visual effects across movies, television and games.
The digital edition of IF magazine is available through Google Play. Purchase a copy.
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