Appliance Retailer
Appliance Retailer is the most up-to-date online news service for the Australian electrical appliance industry. Appliance Retailer is updated daily to reflect the rapid changes affecting the retail and consumer electronics (whitegoods, audio visual and digital) industry. Buying and purchasing managers, marketing managers, sales managers, sales assistants and/or executives form the bulk of Appliance Retailers readership.
Content is driven by original news stories and research, and not just press releases. Website features include editorial, job vacancies, event listings, ‘Hot Products’ and a daily e-newsletter – subscribe. Its daily e-newsletter ensures that industry professionals are delivered instantaneous and rich content consisting of market trends, product developments, interviews, industry updates, as well as general business advice.
Complimenting applianceretailer.com.au is our print magazine of the same name. Appliance Retailer is the leading monthly trade magazine targeting the Australian electrical appliance and consumer electronics industry. The magazine gives retailers and manufacturers a mix of in-depth industry and product news on subjects such as portable appliances, audio-visual equipment, whitegoods and heating and cooling products.
Emily Bencic – PH: 02 8586 6165 or Email