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Australian Ageing Agenda

Frequency: 6 issues per year


Australian Ageing Agenda (AAA) is an independent and authoritative bi-monthly magazine and news website for people who work in or around the broad aged services and retirement living sectors in Australia. It provides a range of objective news, analysis and opinion on ageing issues and policy, aged care and seniors housing.

Each issue of AAA magazine contains updates on relevant operational, legal and financial issues along with in-depth features on crucial systems and operations, clinical care, technology, built environment and other issues relevant to the sector, written by the experienced journalists who make up the AAA team.

AAA magazine provides a special role in fostering discussion and debate, and each issue carries comment pieces from a range of stakeholder groups as well as opinion from relevant figures.

Editor: Natasha Egan

Publisher: Simon Grover

Associated titles:

Community Care Review

Community Care Review is an independent website that reports on the aged and disability community care sector. We cover aged care services, disability services, informal carers, aged and disability care policy, dementia and all the latest research.

CCR offers the best in independent news and informed analysis and opinion. The site incorporates multimedia as a staple in its reportage, with the use of audio.


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National Sales Manager

Mark Ryu – Ph: 02 8586 6118 or Email